Assalamualaikum brothers and sisters, We are looking for trustees to join the Khadijah Charitable Trust. The following are some of the roles, responsibilities, and selection criteria: 1. Trustees are responsible for ensuring that their organisation is run in accordance with its rules and the requirements of the Charities Act 2005. In particular, an officer needs to ensure that their organisation’s funds and assets are used exclusively to advance the charitable purposes of the organisation. Your organisation’s charitable purposes are stated in its rules document (deed), so one of the most important roles of a trustee is to have a thorough understanding of these rules. 2. You must have good leadership, people skills, and communication skills. 3. You should be a member of the Hamilton Muslim community. 4. You should be well respected in your community circles. 5. As a trustee, you are responsible for the financial sustainability of the organisation and ensuring funds and assets are used to advance your organisation’s charitable purposes, and that the financial accounting and reporting systems in the organisation are accurate and transparent. 6. You have a zeal and dedication to community engagement and work. 7. You must regularly attend trust meetings and be available for and receptive to community inputs and suggestions. 8. You should have no mazhab and ethnicity bias. 9. You must actively engage in promoting and achieving the mission of the trust. 10. Previous experience in managing a nonprofit organisation is a plus but not required. 11. Must be of a good character and have no criminal history.
Please note that, by law, a trustee is not paid any compensation. Please send us your CV and brief expression of interest (1 pager) outlining your suitability for the role. The application deadline is 24th April 2020. Email: For inquiries contact Dr. Bahr 021 464 757.